Are you aware of what dyslexia means?

Have you encountered any case with this disability,related with your classmates or schoolmates?

Have your teacher gave you information towards this disability?

Is your school curricula inclusive toward these kind of problems?

How much does a person feel comfortable in the school enviroment?

How informed are your teachers toward this disability?

How responsible and caring are they towards these people?

Were there cases when teachers called these people lazy and not really knowing the real deal?

Do they offer extra help to these people?

Being on a private school,does it mean that these cases are treated better?

Would you want training about these cases or just the teachers should have those?

Do you think these people who suffer from this disability are less intelligent?

How would you rate your teachers reactions toward these cases not just dyslexia in specific?

If you think you belong to the group who has this disability,would you come clean and tell your problem to a specific teacher?

Has a teacher made a huge difference in cases with disability?

Is any of them a role model to you regarding this matter?